Couple Who Married 10 Years After Interracial Marriage Became Legal Now Viral on TikTok
From the 70s to their lives throughout the decades, this couple married 10 years after interracial marriage became legal and is now sharing their journey and love story.
Jeri and Mike, now 72, began to share photos and videos of their life on TikTok to connect with their children and grandchildren during the pandemic. Now, TikTok users can see their love story unfold across posts and videos. They’ve been together for over 40 years, and they have 2 children and three grandchildren, they both survived cancer, and now their lives are about family and enjoying retirement.
@jeriandmike Happy 45th Anniversary ????????????????????♂️❤️???? #happyanniversary #interraciallove ♬ So This Is Love – Sneha
Their love story is truly an inspiration, in many ways. has the full story.