OMG, this is one of the most adorable stories I’ve ever heard! A stray kitten stole the show during Cara and Matt Hamdan’s wedding ceremony. Just as Matt was delivering his wedding vows, a cat began meowing from the woods. Little did they know, that cat was going to become a part of their lives…

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Two of the members of Ryan Seacrest’s show are planning weddings, so they brought in the experts to help give them some insider tips!  Here is Vogue magazine’s list of Wedding Ins and Outs for 2024: IN: CEREMONY FRIDAY, PARTY SATURDAY: Make it a two-day affair and you open up unlimited possibilities for the party and…

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Planning a wedding in 2024? It’s not easy to come up with unique ideas for yourself. I remember when I was planning my wedding, it was like all of my wedding experiences went out the window. Talk about #bridebrain. It’s a real thing! That’s why I love coming across these videos on social. So many…

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